NM Startup Office Hours Featuring AllerPops!

  • Friday, October 15, 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • https://activatenm.com/mentors/office-hours/

Bring your startup needs to this event and be prepared to share them publicly with other startup founders and mentors. We will have a variety of rooms set up to discuss crucial business topics from sales and marketing to finance and investment. In partnership with ActivateNM!

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nm-startup-office-hours-social-tickets-131628649835?aff=ebdsoporgprofile


1) Intro pitch & feedback for ActivateNM member company

2) Open topical meeting rooms (Sales, Investment, Finance, Marketing, Legal, & more) with expert mentors

3) Wrap up!